Pokhran -- Book Review ✍️


Title: Pokhran
Author: Uday Singh
Format: paperback
pages: 194
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 4/5 πŸ’₯
Overview: ✍️πŸ’₯
pokhran : That name alone can tell us that is a thought-provoking story which revolves around a boy called Chaitanya, his life and struggles. The story starts with Rajashree delivering a baby boy without proper legs and hands. Unfortunately She dies immediately with some complications leaving the new born Chaitanya in the hands of his father, his sister a nine year old Radhika. Years rolled, they came to know about the 'Smiling Buddha' nuclear project before Chaitanya's birth and only because of its fallout he with few more kids born with disabilities. He is struggling in all aspects to get a Normal life coz of it. growing as an introvert kid. How his life changes in the course. How does he cope up with all the challenges he meets is the remaining story. To Find out more about Chaitanya and pokhran you must grab this enthralling read.
My 2 cents :✍️πŸ’₯
This is quite an emotional read, which has a gripping story which will keep you captivated till the very end. lt started on an interesting note and never loses its grip till the very end. The characters of Chaitanya and Radhika's siblings love is beyond imagination. A Rating of 4 is what this read deserves..πŸ‘πŸ’₯
Thanks for the review copy.
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