The gifted words πŸ’’Book ReviewπŸ”–


#bookreview πŸ’« #review #64


Title: The gifted words


Author: @authormanish


Format: Paperback


pages: 180


Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 4.3/5 




The Crux:πŸ”–

‌The gifted words By Manish is a heart touching story revolves around a girl named Sneha and her father Piyush and her new found friendship and bonding with a boy named Prince. Sneha and her father is returning to Mumbai after long years which was his place where her parents started their life. Sneha's dad was very happy to meet his old friend and his family in mumbai and both the families starts mingling with each other. Sneha is to attend the same school as Prince and her dad is pleased that she will have a good friend who will help her in her tough times. Meanwhile, Prince came to know about sneha's illness and her father piyush's life threatening secret. But her father is worried about Sneha and only thinks about how she could lead a happy and secure, pain free life. So he requests Prince to hide all the secrets from his family. Piyush wants to give as much security to his family but fate had other plans. To reveal this bonding story you should soon grab it with both hands to sink in this father daughter duo's irreplaceable care and affection.




My 2 Cents:πŸ’’

This read is a blend of Love, hope, care, friendship. The language is simple and story writing style is good. The characters are interesting Piyush ji character affected so much, such a perfect dad and husband. Prince character is good towards Sneha after she loses her loved one. Small grammatical errors here and there. Sneha's brother character vanishes in the story. otherwise this is a Heart-rending and emotional father and daughter story one should not miss. I would like to recommend this to all the readers. 




@authormanish @redgrabbooks @the_bookscape 

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