1882 vidadhu karuppu (1882 continuum)๐ Book Review๐
#bookreview ๐ซ Review #88๐
Title: 1882 Vidadhu Karuppu (1882 continuum)
Author: Marshall E Gass
pages: 510
Format: paperback
Rating: ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ 4.3/5
The Crux:๐
A Tamil translation of 1882 Continuum. This is a story about Reincarnation which takes place in New Zealand. The story is divided into two parts, which has 39 subdivisions.
The story starts in the year 1882 when Maoris and Britisher's fight are at war in regular skirmishes. In that particular year, passengers travelling through horse cart to Auckland, New Zealand acquaint with each other The horse driver Graham who was checking the list of passengers and befriends a few. The businessman Marshall Margam Gass was also travelling, where he meets Katerina who is sitting opposite him. She is genius in predicting the future to write every bit of it, waiting to get it published. She is aware of incidents that are going to happen between her and Marshall in future, so she starts reading few pages from that to give him few hints. Are they reaching Auckland safely? what are all things happening while travelling? will she able to get her book published? what future holds for them together? is all about part one.
Part 2:๐
Here is the second part which starts exactly a 100 year after that which is (1982). John, who is interested and fond of collecting the old antique items wherever he sees. one day he came across a house which looks more than 100 years old and plans to buy it. So he enquires about it with the next house where he befriends women called Savitri. They both witness a ghostly woman sitting near a window in that house dressed like 18th-century women. most of the people in the town rumoured it as a ghost as there was no one living there and they hear horse sounds during rainy nights. Finally, they both meet the owner of the house Lawrence, who reveals few stories to them. Who is that woman near the window? Is John able to buy the house? What does he find from the ancient items? What happens is the remaining story to unwind for you to grab it.
My 2 Cents:๐
A gripping storyline that will not allow you to put down the book once you start. A gripping read which pushed me to finish the book in just a few days. There are many new places and events unfamiliar to the Indian reader.
There are too many spelling mistakes here and there as I read the Tamil version of it which has to be corrected. Overall, this is an interesting blend of mystery, romance, thriller, reincarnation one must enjoy thoroughly.
Note: ๐
เฎเฎคைเฎฏிเฎฉ் เฎ
เฎฎ்เฎเฎฎ் เฎเฎฉ்เฎฉை เฎเฎตเฎฐ்เฎจ்เฎคเฎคு. เฎฎுเฎฑ்เฎชிเฎฑเฎตி เฎชเฎฑ்เฎฑிเฎฏுเฎฎ் เฎฎுเฎฉ்เฎெเฎฉ்เฎฎ เฎจிเฎฉைเฎตுเฎเฎณ் เฎชเฎฑ்เฎฑிเฎฏுเฎฎ் เฎเฎ்เฎเฎคை เฎ
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