
Showing posts from April, 2022

Yuyustshu the unsung warrior ЁЯУНBook Review ЁЯФЦ

  #bookreview⏳#review #137 ⬇️ЁЯТл ЁЯТл Title: Yuyustshu The unsung warrior ЁЯТл ЁЯФ╕ Yuyustshu, the greatest warrior, one of the maharathis (Capable of fighting 720000 warriors at a time ) in Mahabharata was born to King Dhritarashtra and Gandhari's maid Sugadha. We all know and heard many things about five Pandavas and 100 Kauravas. ЁЯФ╣But did we know anything about this warrior Prince Yuyustshu? Many people are not aware of him and his sacrifices. This book elaborates on Yuyustshu and his inner calling to fight for the truth side which was Pandavas's side instead of his half brothers Kauravas. ЁЯФ╕ He was brought up as a great Krishna devotee and his best friend in gurukul was Bheema (One of the Pandavas). He could defeat millions alone in the war but he never wanted war and always tried to make peace among his brothers. He saved Bheema once from getting poisoning. Yet he was called a betrayer by his people. He was the only Kaurava alive after the epic war. ЁЯФ╣This is a very gripping and...

RajaRaja Chola ЁЯУНBook Review ЁЯФЦ

#bookreview⏳#review #136 ✍️ ЁЯТл Title: RajaRaja Chola ЁЯФ╣An Interplay Between An Imperial Regime and Productivity is a historical read based on the Chola ruler RajaRaja Chola aka Arulmozhivarman. ЁЯФ╕Considered one of the greatest and most powerful kings of his time defeating and capturing many territories and building some of the greatest architecture. He was the ruler of southern parts of India. ЁЯФ╣This is a beautiful book about the life and achievements of the Chola emperor RajaRaja Chola a name which we learnt during our school history periods.  ЁЯФ╕ At the beginning of the book there are two maps showing the regime of the Chola empire and a chronological chart of the Chola dynasty which is very helpful for me while reading.  ЁЯФ╣Raja Raja was born in 947 CE, During his ruling period, he expanded trade, culture and architecture. One of the famous pieces of architecture built by RajaRaja was the great Brahameshwar temple in Tanjavur. ⏳ ЁЯТл ЁЯФ╕It's a very interesting and knowledgeable ...

роО роГрокிро▓ிроо் рокை роХро░்рогா ЁЯУНроиூро▓் ро╡ிрооро░்роЪройроо்ЁЯФЦ

 родрооிро┤் роиூро▓் ро╡ிрооро░்роЪройроо் | Book Review #135 ЁЯУ╜️ ЁЯОм родро▓ைрок்рокு: роО роГрокிро▓ிроо் рокை роХро░்рогா роЖроЪிро░ிропро░ : роЪுро╡ро░் ро░ாрок்роЯро░் @sujayraptor рокроХ்роХроЩ்роХро│்: 135 рокродிрок்рокроХроо்: роОро┤ிро▓ிройி рокродிрок்рокроХроо்  ЁЯОм ЁЯУ╜️ ро╡ிрооро░்роЪройроо் :ЁЯОм ЁЯФ╕ роО роГрокிро▓ிроо் рокை роХро░்рогா - роТро░ு ро╡ிрод்родிропாроЪрооாрой роХродைроХ்роХро│род்родை роХொрог்роЯродு роЗрои்роиூро▓்.  ЁЯФ╣ро╡ро┤роХ்роХрооாрой роХродை рокோро▓ роЗро▓்ро▓ாрооро▓் родிро░ைроХ்роХродை рокோро▓ ро╡роЯிро╡рооைрод்родுро│்ро│ாро░் роЖроЪிро░ிропро░்.  ЁЯФ╕роХро░்рогройிрой் ро╡ாро┤்роХ்роХை рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் родிро░ைрод்родுро▒ை роЕройுрокро╡роЩ்роХро│், роХாродро▓், роХройро╡ு, роПрооாро▒்ро▒роо், роЙро┤ைрок்рокு, родோро▓்ро╡ி, родுро░ோроХроо், роироЯ்рокு роЗро╡ை роЕройைрод்родுроо் роХொрог்роЯродு роЗрои்роиூро▓்.  ЁЯФ╣роХро░்рогро╡ிрой் роЗрой்роЯро░்ро╡ிропூро╡ை роОроЯுроХ்роХ ро╡ро░ுроо் роТро░ு роХுро┤ுроороо் роЗродிро▓் родொроЯроЩ்роХி роХро░்рогாро╡ிрой் рокро│்ро│ி рокро░ுро╡род்родிро▓் роЕро╡ройுроХ்роХு роЪிройிрооா роХройро╡ு родொроЯроЩ்роХுроХிро▒родு.  ЁЯФ╕ роХро▓்ро▓ூро░ி рокроЯிрок்рокு рооுроЯிрои்родродுроо் роТро░ு роХிро│ாро░்роХ் ро╡ேро▓ை роХிроЯைрод்родродு. роЪிро▒ிродு роХாро▓роо் ро╡ேро▓ை роЪெроп்род роХро░்рогா рокிрой் роЕрои்род ро╡ேро▓ைропை ро╡ிроЯ ро╡ேрог்роЯிроп роиிро▓ைроХ்роХு родро│்ро│்рокроЯுроХிрой்ро▒ாро░்.  ЁЯФ╣рокிрой்рокு роХро░்рогா рокроЯроо் роОроЯுрод்родாро░ா, роОрод்родройை рокроЯроо் роОроЯுрод்родாро░் роЕродிро▓் ро╡ெро▒்ро▒ி рокெро▒்ро▒ாро░ா ? роХродைропிрой் рооுроЯிро╡ு роЗро░ு ро╡ிродрооாроХ роТро░ு роЯிро╡ிро╕்роЯ் рокோро▓ роЕрооைрод்родுро│்ро│ாро░் роЖроЪிро░ிропро░். роЕродிро▓் рооுродро▓் рооுроЯிро╡ே роОрой்ройை роХро╡ро░்рои்родродு.  ЁЯФ╕рокுрод்родроХрод்родை рокроЯிрок்рокродро▒்роХு рооுрой்ройே роЕродрой் роЕроЯ்роЯைрок் рокроЯроо...

Nine ЁЯФЦ Book Review ЁЯУН

 #bookreview⏳#review #133 ✍️ ЁЯТл Title: Nine ЁЯТл ЁЯФ╣Nine by Vineet Singh Hukmani is a book with a collection of 9 thriller stories which is also attached with 9 song codes. A few of my favourite stories from the collections are 1. Nine, 2. Dreaming out loud, 4. Hurry, 5. So new, 6. I pray, and 9. Party from home. ЁЯТл ЁЯФ╕Nine - This story is about an undercover agent who is hiding himself and his identity but when it comes to Saving his loved ones? How he is protecting them when they are in grave danger. ЁЯФ╣Dreaming out loud - about two naturally talented athletes and a genetically changed one.  ЁЯФ╕Hurry - an app that is created to help the couple after breaking up find love again through the same app. ЁЯФ╣So new - a story about how a psychological student manipulates her friend's behaviour via algorithms. ЁЯФ╕I pray - one of the most favourite among them all as the story is about a child who dreams about the future boarded an aircraft that is destined for tragedy. ЁЯФ╣Party from home - is ...